Kupu Tautoko

"Natalie has managed to raise our profile in a humble yet effective way so that we can spread the word about our mahi."
Dr. Anna Rolleston, Founder of The Centre for Health
Our social media following has substantially increased and instigating our monthly zui sessions to the public has just been a phenomenal way of sharing our knowledge with our community and connecting people to us. Natalie is passionate about what we do, authentically engaging with us and gifting us her aroha, expertise and sometimes a kick in the right direction when needed.

"Natalie’s experience in both corporate and Te Ao Māori environments has greatly assisted with our stakeholder communications."
Toko Kapea, CEO at Te Ara Pounamu
Atawhai Creative Communications is our communications partner for the Pounamu Pathway which is an exciting tourism experience on the West Coast of the South Island. Managing Director Natalie Hilterman has been instrumental in assisting with strategic media advice, PR and content creation. As we get closer to launching the Pounamu Pathway, I feel completely safe the communications and marketing expertise of Natalie and her team will assist in the seamless launch of the visitor hubbs and a world class experience for our local and international visitors.

"We were fortunate to discover Natalie and her company Atawhai. Natalie has been a key component of our PR work for the last three years. In that time, we have gone from a fledging concept to a world first Indigenous Online Gamification platform."
Dr. Phyllis Callaghan, Murray Sam Holdings Limited
We initially hired Atawhai Creative Communications to create a communications plan for our social media impact game; Katuku Island. We wanted the plan to embrace our business model, but also understand our need to weave Indigenous and Kaupapa Māori principles throughout all aspects of our media campaign. Natalie has been instrumental in the success of our work, which also gained VCM funding. Scheduling timely press releases brought both national and international coverage for our team. Atawhai were professional in all their dealings with us but were also empathetic to our needs as Māori to make sure that all material supplied to media outlets was supported by constant dialogue with myself and also respectful of tikanga. Natalie also conducted kanohi ki te kanohi engagement, meeting our team and seeing for herself and understanding the wider vision and aspirations for the Katuku Island Indigenous Online Gamification platform. Although a bit like a possum in the headlights, when I did have to talk to media as the creator of Katuku Island, Natalie talked me through everything. The television and radio interviews did not seem so terrifying. I can certainly say that we would not have had the national and international saturation we had with the Katuku Gamification platform had we not discovered Atawhai. “I simply would not venture into any media campaigns without them.”

"From growing our social media presence through to communications and PR activities, we couldn’t be happier with Natalie and her team."
Paora Te Hurihanganui, Kurupā Paiaka (CEO) Te Arawa Whānau Ora
Dedication, creativity, te ao Māori values and whakaaro and an uncanny ability to connect with our Te Arawa whānau and stakeholders…. Te Arawa Whānau Ora – Whānau First! The added bonus we received was Natalie’s attention to social justice, the right intent and outcomes were exemplified and the voices that need to be heard were done so with dignity and respect. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe e hine.